Reading the news can benefit students

The Shillong Times 23.04.2024

Reading the news can benefit students in several ways:

Knowledge Expansion: It keeps them informed about current events, politics, science, and global affairs, broadening their understanding of the world.

Critical Thinking: Analyzing news articles helps develop critical thinking skills as students evaluate sources, discern bias, and form their own opinions.

Language Skills: Reading news articles exposes students to a variety of vocabulary, styles, and writing techniques, enhancing their language skills.

Cultural Awareness: It fosters cultural awareness and empathy by exposing students to different perspectives and experiences from around the world.

Citizenship Education: Understanding the news is crucial for informed citizenship, empowering students to participate actively in society and democracy.

Current Affairs: Being up-to-date with current affairs prepares students for discussions, debates, and classroom activities, enriching their educational experience.

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